Thursday, March 20, 2014

Coconut Flour Biscuits

Sound interesting, don't they?

I had some spare time today and decided to make them. Even the minute quantity in my latest batch of muffins (it was like 1/4 teaspoon per muffin) was hurting me, so i decided to find something a little more gentle. These have a teaspoon of honey per batch and take very little flour. Great, because coconut flour is EXPENSIVE! The original recipe had like two tablespoons of honey, which i thought was wayyyy too much. So i made it my own :) These are a little dry, but then again, most gluten-free, everything-free foods are. I'll post the pictures before the recipe, so you can see what your getting into before you dive in ;)

sorry their not so impressive, but you can see the detail well enough, right?
Yes, the answer is yes...

They weren't too crumbly, which was a bonus.

 To the right, is what i did with one of them. i put all natural peanut butter and a few banana slices on it. It was extremely good, and i loved it, where as most people would be like "BOR-ING". But when you can eat only like 5 different things, this became amazing. I think the filter on the photo added a nice touch, you agree?

Okay, okay, on the the actual recipe. I'll stop babbling now..;)


1/3 cup Coconut Flour (you can get it at health food stores and some grocery stores)

5 TBSP  butter or coconut oil (softened. well, it can be melted too, i did that by accident and it still worked :P)

4 eggs

*1 teaspoon of honey (my change to the original)

a dash of salt

1/2 tsp baking soda

* dash of vanilla

*and 1/4-1/2 tsp of almond extract

note: i didn't want mine to have too much honey, so i added almond extract and some vanilla. If you want them sweeter, feel free to add 2 TBSP of honey. Or if you don't want them sweet at all (except for the natural coconut flavor) you could take all the sweeteners out. Blueberries, dried cranberries,pineapple or any small fruit would be wonderful additions to this, if you want scone-like biscuits.


1.Preheat oven to 400 degrees F

2.Put all ingredients into a medium size bowl and mix well with an immersion blender (what in the world is that?? ) or a hand mixer.

3. Using your hands (or an ice-cream scoop), carefully make nine balls, or seven, like me, and then mash them down with a spoon, or your hand. Then place them on a parchment covered baking sheet.

4. Bake for 12-15 minutes until browned at the edges.

and your done! Congrats, you just make a batch of wonderful coconut muffins biscuits! I keep writing muffins instead of biscuits, i just love them THAT much...

hope you enjoyed this recipe and i hope i didn't confuse you with some of my comments. ;p

thanks for reading my blog and come back next time for....some kind of muffin, DUH!


oh, and tell me how your baking of these went in the comments.

*update: the next day, they are better after being microwaved.

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